Softwares / Character Maker

Character Maker is a software created by the RPG Maker community to easily create pixel art spritesheets animations with a 256 colors palet. Today, it is used by many pixel artists.

Mes compétences

  • Creating characters: design, color, animations...
  • Creating tiles for the levels in two dimensional games.
  • Creating color palets meant for a project or ambiance.

Created for the project: Misc. on 2012 as a personal project - Skill: Game Design
Softwares: Character Maker Adobe® Flash CSx
At the same time as my teacher work at Supinfogame, I develop on new technologies I never used before. To do technology watch, I decided to design create little personal projects. By the way, Epic Zombie Survivor was born, a flash game on the theme of the day.

The intention behind Epic Zombie Survivor

The main interest behind this concept is to make the player feel the characteristic frightening of a "survival-horror" in a game conceived as a "Flash" formated one.

Concept and design choices

In order to keep the game unrevealed publicly since the end of the development, please contact me for more information.

The artistic direction and the universe

The game takes place in a american metropolis comparable to New York and its districts: Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island. It shows the wounds of zombies invasion; many traces reveal the horror of the scenes taking place in the city streets. We hear the silence now, any sound being able to alert the living deads.

The game orientation is pixel art. This kind of graphic designg allows to symbolize the landscapes and to focus on the murky details. It offers a reading comfort to the player, give an 'independant game' style, and allows younger players to play a survival horror: 12 years and older.

With pixel arts, landscapes are also made of shadows and lights that strengthen the game ambience (doubt feeling, claustrophobia) and generates gameplay (zombies hidden in the dark, game elements teasing...)

To the right, the first landscape in the game:

Development Technology: Flixel

To prototype EZS (Epic Zombie Survivor), I decided to use "Flixel" flash game engine. Using it is pretty simple, everything is here to create a two-dimensional game: sprite managment, collisions, tile-based levels, path finding, etc. It is optimized for the pixel art and makes game development faster.


The prorotype is under construction. To test it or to have more information about it, please contact me.


This game concept is one of my personal projects. It comes from the common belief that playing a flash game during the spare time disable the feeling of the player. In order to knock this idea, I chose the 'survival-horror' genre that really implies the player in his game. My design is oriented on the feeling, but the game stays a flash one.
Work: Creating the concept and developing the prototype.

Some pictures


Task: Pixel Art: Pirates

Created for the project: Misc. on 2011 as a personal project - Skill: Pixel Art
Softwares: Character Maker
During several months, I worked with a friend on a project designed together. Unfortunately, we stopped it during the development. The game is a 2D platformer on the pirates theme. I couldn't explain the Game Design we worked on together, but with this article, I would like to show you a few elements I worked on, in Graphic Design.

The game hero

The main character needed a lot of animations: something about 25 (either 150 frames).He is able to do acrobatics. A few examples in this video:


Of course, I can't show many things but this example of ambience. Then, the landscape is made to allow the parallax scrolling. Like many 16-bytes games, the elements move together with coherence in order to give an effect of depth: close elements move faster than far ones.


A few animations as a bonus. Rude Goblins appear sometimes in the game.


We worked together on a project wih a friend. I was in charge of Graphic design on that game.
Work: Designing the game together. Creating landscapes, characters with animations, and stuff in pixel art.

Some pictures
