Task: Keep it Virtual 3D Compositing
Some of the movie scenes needed to animate the character hands... We added it in post production by using 3D compositing methods.
Work: I was in charge of the compositing.
The movie was in first person view, so we had to see various actions with the character's hands. To do that, we mixed some camera movements ingame, and I added the hands in 3D compositing, using 3D studio max.
Some examples
These screenshots are a comparison between the scenes in 3D Studio Max and there render.
Task: Keep it Virtual Modeling
Some of the scenes took place in environnements unavailable in Call of Duty 4. We had to create it.
Work: I modelised some simple objects for the levels we created.
During the production, we had to create some environnements not available in the game. The player's room, the dormitory, the recruiting officer's office and the hospital room were the places to make ourself. I modelised a lot of stuff for each room.
Little models
I started with some models to dress the player's desk. We see the computer screen during the first thirty seconds so it has to be detailed.
I added a coke bottle, some chips and cd-roms, the speakers...
Bigger models
The rooms had to be full of furnitures, shelves etc.
I created bigger models, blinds, posters, tables...
The rooms
We added them to a map we made with a teammate, using the Call of Duty level editor, a customized version of Q3Radiant. There wasn't any tutorial because the Call of duty 4 Mod tool was released at the same time we started the project.
Task: Level Design: Sp_Escape
The game sequence I worked on contains some challenges in its Level Design: handling the time for the player, forcing him to avoid a lethal shot every five seconds, and handling the shooting time between ennemies and obstacles to reduce in a pile of debris. More in the article.
Work: I created the level design on these challenges, dressed up some rooms and scripted events using the Kismet.
Level design
My work begins with the bomb pick up. This sequence offers a true challengeto the player. It asks for a good rhythm.
A bomb is placed in a particular ennemie's back: the boomer. Shoot him directly trigger the bomb crack. The boomer particularity is to shoot a lethal bullet every 5 seconds. He is behind a little group of weak ennemies and some blocks usable as covers.
The only solution for the player is to fight the weak ennemies and focus on being covered when the boomer shoots (every 5 seconds), then be close enough to pick up his bomb, and finally kill him.
Once the bomb is picked up, Marcus must cross a room digged in the rocksin wich emergence holes appear (holes where weak ennemies comes out endlessly).
The aim is to block them by shooting the flacky rocks on the ceiling. The challenge consists in forcing the player to share his shooting time between ennemies and rocks.
Marcus is now close to the bomb planting point. My work stops here.
Level building
Once the level design ready, I worked on dressing up the rooms. I had to replace the bsp (géometries) by static meshes (3D models): rocks, cross beams, etc.
This part of level design needed a lot of scripting:
- attaching the bomb in the boomer back
- allowing Marcus to pick it up by pressing the validate button and place it in his back.
- planting it elsewhere
- getting the emergence holes spawning ennemies
- handling the rocks used to block the holes...
Task: Storyboard Keep It Virtual
Done in preproduction, the storyboard was a step necessary for the animatic and the movie
Work: I drew some storyboard pictures.
On the movie preproduction, I worked on some storyboard pictures, after we wrote the storyline together. Finally, my work was used as an example by a teammate to make a colored version for the animatic.
Some storyboard samples
I drew the storyboard directly on Photoshop with a pen tablet. Here are some examples of what I did and what it refers to in the movie.
Task: Stargate Command Map
Made on Half-Life, the map had to seam like the true SGC in the show. I used a lot of references to get the details.
Work: I created the map, level building and environnement.
I created the basic shape of the map at first. I tried to keep the true organization and the same size, as much as possible. By searching meticulously on the Internet, I ended up finding the SGC plans made in Vancouver studios.
Next, I looked for a lot of snapshots taken by tourists who visited the film sudio set. By the way, I was more accurate.
To get information allowed me to create a level much closer to the series, more realistic as you can see on the pictures below.
I was compelled to erase some details, Gold, the Half-Life engine, can't handle too many models. You can notice that chevrons are green on this stargate.